Wednesday, November 7, 2007

1/4 life crisis ARGHHH!!!!

According to an article that I’ve read, normally it happens at the late 20’s but maybe it struck me earlier (I’m not even mid 20’s hehe) . This condition is due to the transition between student life to adulthood and it is very challenging, especially nowadays.

Maybe the author is right, we tend to think too far forward and want to get high pay, a secure job in a short period of time basically immediately after graduating but that seems almost impossible nowadays . Maybe if you graduated like 20 years ago, then, of course the work will come to you but not now. There are too many graduates so everybody has to compete.

And this is not only about job and money, it also involve being and staying in a relationship so that you can get married..have kids etc.

And thanks to the technology such as computers, internet and mass media we tend to compare ourselves with other people more often. I admit, even I do. Everytime I open my Friendster, I get to know that this person has a great job, is engaged..this person is married and had a spectacular wedding , this person is pregnant and others even have babies. And all of this somehow gives a picture that everyone is doing better than you.

Anyhow, what I can say is don’t ever lose faith in urself. Everybody has their own way and they walk their own path. Maybe you haven’t found the path just yet…

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