Thursday, November 22, 2007

From Scotland to Malaysia

This is quite a loooong story and to make this story short (coz if the story is too long you guys won’t read it right? ) I will first start with why I went to Scotland. It was because my family and I followed my dad to continue his study. We came back to Malaysia when I was 7 years old.

The first thing that I remembered when I first arrived at Malaysia was this song that Ramlah Ram sang Kau Kunci Cintaku ahahaha. And the first drink was a drinho sugar cane juice (at that time, actually my parents wanted to taste sugar cane juice after all the years that they have been overseas…unfortunately it was far from close to the original sugar cane juice huhu).

After a couple of weeks, I started school temporarily at my aunt’s school. Luckily I did understand and of course I could speak in Malay although its kinda hard to adjust.
When we learned English, this teacher taught us about chair, table, window..and I thought for a while is this the thing that we learn at school? I also remembered this incident when I accidently just babbled in English to my friend beside me and she gave me the clueless face hehe.

Then I went to my real school. I was this girl that was a year younger then anybody else in my class because I entered school in Malaysia one standard earlier (maybe my parents got confused or something because when I was at Scotland standard 2 is equivalent to standard 1 here in Malaysia, so my parents just just entered me into standard 2 hehe)

Ok, so then it was time for mathematics class where everyone had to recite the timetables and I was clueless coz I don’t know anything about timetables at that time. When I studied overseas, I just learnt addition and subtraction. So I was all blurry and the teacher gave us a monthly test on multiplication and division. I cheated a bit (by looking at the timetable behind the exercise book, I’m sure everybody remembers that..haha naughty girl) but I still got quite a low mark (even after cheating I still got a low mark hehe ) because apparently I was a bit confused in using the timetable at that time ;P. My mother being a teacher and all had me memorise the timetable :(

That was mathematics, now for the Bahasa Melayu class haha. Well, this teacher asked us to write one karangan and of course a karangan had to start with a perenggan or paragraph. But I didn’t know what a paragraph was at that time, so when my teacher read my karangan she got angry and pinched my stomach and if you’re wondering yes, it hurts. that was the challenge for me..from Scotland to Malaysia :)

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